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Wellbeing and student discipline

Pastoral care

Our Student Wellbeing program is an integral part of an inclusive culture where staff lead by example, students’ voices are valued, and where unity and personal excellence are celebrated across a school community that champions the development of every individual.

The program is headed by the wellbeing department and implemented by form teachers and class teachers. 

Leadership programs  


At AIS we are preparing our students to become leaders. Our staff work as a team to nurture the students’ understanding of themselves and the impact they may have, either in a negative or positive manner, on those around them.

From KG, all our students have the opportunity to become school captains, class captains and Student Council Representatives. 

The year 7 & 8 students have the opportunity to become school captains, vice captains and sport captains. 

Daily Duhur prayers

Salah is an important Pillar in Islam. We instill our students to understand the importance of prayers in their life. 

Primary Students get trained on Wudu and Salah; they offer Zuhur prayers at school daily. 

School Nurse


See SMC Plans