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Australian Islamic Schools:

A little place
of paradise

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About AIS 

 A comprehensive educational experience that cultivates, nurtures, and combines academic excellence with Islamic values & full Hifthul Quran.

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Our mission

Our Mission is for our students to aspire towards excellence in both character and education. We want our students to encounter new educational experiences that will serve their future aspirations whilst maintaining a balance between academic pursuits and Islamic values.  

Our Slogan 

"Goodness in both worlds 
في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة".

Our Vision 

Our vision is to produce citizens who are excellent in both academic and Islamic values and who are ready to contribute positively and productively to Somaliland society.

تمثل رؤيتنا في إنتاج مواطنين متميزين في كل من القيم اإلسالمية والإنجازات الأكاديمية ومستعدون للمساهمة بشكل إيجابي ومنتج في مجتمع أرض الصومال


Core values

2,000 parents
brought their kid to our nursery.

Entrust us with your children and go to work with peace of mind

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